Important full forms

Important full forms.

A related Full-Forms

ABM — Anti Ballestic Missile
ABVP — Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarti Parishad
ADB — Asian Development Bank
AIDS — Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
ARC — Administrative Reforms Commission
ATM — Automatic Teller Machine
APEC — Asia Pacific Economic Corporation
AD — Ano Domini (After Jesus christ’s birth)

B related

BAMS — Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery.
BARS — Bhama Atomic Research Center.
BBC — British Broadcasting Corporation
BC –Before Christ
BCCI — Board of Control for Cricket in India.
BEL — Bharat Electronics Limited
BIS — Bureau of Indian Standards
BOP — Balance Of Payment.
BPO — Business Process Outsourcing
CAD –Current Account deficit
CAG — Comptroller and Auditor General
CIA — Criminal Investigation Agency
CID — Criminal Investigation Department
CII –Confederation of Indian Industries
CVC — Chief Viligance Commission

                               D Related Full Forms

DRDO — Defence Research and Development Agency.
DVD –Digital Versatile Disk
DNA — DioxyRibo Nucleic Acid
ECB — European Central Bank
EMS –European Monitoring System
EPZ — Export Processing Zone
EVM — Electronic Voting Machine
ECG — Electro Cardiography
FBI — Federal Bureau of Investigation
FICCI — Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
FM — Frequency Modulation
FIR — First Information Report

                                 G Related Full Forms

GST — Goods and Services Tax
GSM — Global System for Mobile Communication
GM –Genetically Modified
HAL –Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
HTML — High Text Markup Language
HDI — Human Development Index
HIV — Human Immuno Deficiency Virus
IPS — Indian Police Services
IFS –Indian Foriegn Services
IAS –Indian Administrative Service
JKLF — Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front
KYC –Know Your Customer
KCC — Kisan Call Center

L related full form

LCD- Liquid Crystal Display

LED – Light Emitting Diode

LCA- Light Combet Aircraft

M Related full forms

MBBS – Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of surgery.

MCG- Mailborn Cricket Ground.

MNC- Multi Nation Company.

MODVAT- Modified valued Added Tax.

MSME- Micro Small Medium Enterprises.

MNP- Mobile Number Portability

MOU- Memorandum of Understanding.

N Related Full forms

NRI- Non Resident indian

NABARD- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.

NACO- National and Control Organisation.

NADA- National Anti Dopping Agency.

NAFAED- National Agriculture and Co-operative marketing federation of India ltd.

NASA- National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

NCC- National Cadet Core.

NCERT- National Council of Education Research and Training.

NDA- National Defense Academy.

NPA- Non-performing Assets.

NPS- National Pension Scheme.

NOTA- None of the above.

NSA- National Security Agency.

NHRS- National Human Rights Commission.

O Related

OPEC- Organisation for Petroleum Exporting Control.

OMR- Optical Mark Reader.

ONGC- Oil and Natural Gas Commission.

OROP- One Rank one Position.

P Related Full Forms

PWD- Public Works Department.

PAN- Permanent Account Number.

PIN- Postal Index Number.

PM- Prime Minister, Post meridiem.

POTA- Prevention of Terrorist Activity,

PPP- Public Private Partnership.

PTI- Press Trust of India

PVC- Polyvinyl Chloride

Q related

QIP – Qualified Institutional Placement.

R related

RTI- Right to Information

RTE- Right to Education

RADAR- Radion Detecting and Renging.

R&D – Research & Development.

RAM- Randam Access Memory.

RKVY- Rashtriye krishi vikas Yojna.

S related Full-Forms

SAARC- South Asian Association for Regional Corporation.

SEBI – Security Exchange Board of India.

SAI- Sports Authority of India.

SAIL- Steel Authority of India Limited.

SEZ- Special Economy Zone.

SIM- Subscriber Identification Module.


TB- Tuberculosis

TRAI- Telecom Regulatory Authority of India.

TVOA- Tourist Visa on Arrival.


UNO- United Nations Organisation.

UNCTAD – United Nations Confress on Trade and Development.

UNESCO – United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

UNICEF – United Nations International Children Emergency Fund.

UIDAI – Unique Identification Authority of India.


VAT- Value Added Tax

VVPAT – Vote Verified Paper Audit Trail.

W related Full-Form

WADA- World Anti Dopping Agency.

WLL – Wireless Local Loop.

WSF- World Social Form.

WTO – World Trade Organisation.

WWF – World Wildlife Fund.

WHO – World Health Organisation.


YMCA- Young Mans Christian Association.

YWCA – Young Women’s Christian Association.


ZBB – Zero Base Budgeting.

ZSI – Zoological Survey of India.

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